Our Products

Next generation diagnostic solutions
Digital Radiography Solutions

We offer wide array of diagnostic imaging solutions tailored to add value to your practice.

Thermal Cameras

Thermal imaging, is a non-invasive method of measuring heat emissions from the body, discovery of abnormal thermal patterns, the identification of potential error sources and the assessment of training performance.

Portable Ultrasound Machines

Our advance ultrasound systems provide outstanding clarity, resulting in an ultra compact machine that enables the user to provide better patient care. Take your practice to the next level by with the latest and industry leading ultrasound systems.

Laser and Shockwave
Rehabilitation Tools

Our rehabilitation tools can accelerate healing and improve the repair, regeneration and remodeling of tissue in horses and other animals. Shockwave is very beneficial for treating musculoskeletal problems, soft-tissue and bone injuries in horses.

Ultrasound Course
Applications of Ultrasound in Equine Practice

This coourse covers from basics of using ultrasound machine and probes to scanning tendons, ligements, organs. Case studies of clinical cases have been added to help you advance your sonographic skills.

Thermography Course
Applications of Thermography in Veterinary Practice

The course is designed to give you an in depth knowledge of how to use thermal cameras in your practice. It includes case studies and hands on practice as well.

Taking your horse for trainging - but never on empty stomach

Provide your equine with forage prior to and during prolonged exercise. While trail riding, offer the opportunity to graze along the way. Why? Fiber creates a mat of sorts which prevents acid splashing in the stomach. The equine stomach produces acid 24 hours a day (16 gallons!) in preparation for constant uptake and can empty in as little as 15-20 minutes. Chewing activates saliva production (an alkaline substance rich in bicarbonate), which buffers gastric acidAn empty stomach allows unbuffered gastric acid to slosh and bathe its lining causing discomfort and may induce ulcers.
Horse and rider cutting a cow
The lower part of the stomach, in addition to producing the acid, receives protection by also producing mucus. The upper, or non-glandular part, has no protection and thus is even more susceptible to damage. The upper portion has squamous epithelium – similar to our skin. Having fiber in the stomach is especially important during any physical activity/exercise causing the splashing of acids. ​​​

How Slow Fed Free Choice Forage Assists in Colic Prevention

Slow feeding prior to exercise requires the horse to eat smaller amounts over a longer period of time. Chewing activates saliva production, which buffers gastric acid. Increased chew time yields higher saliva quantities creating an overall higher saliva to forage ratio and further reduction of particle size. This also decreases the risk of impaction colic associated with exercise.​

Additional Benefit of Free Choice Forage: Hydration

​The equine cecum serves as a storage site for water and electrolytes if forage is present. Fiber consumption increases water consumption and the extra water is held in the cecum until absorption. During exercise when dehydration may be an issue, the cecum can help keep the horse hydrated and supply him with electrolytes that are lost in sweat. Bottom line - forage creates a reservoir of fluids in the cecum.

Take Home Message

Equines are designed to have access to forage 24/7. In nature, horses will voluntarily take breaks to sleep and rest for periods of time, typically no longer than an hour. Wild horses are not subjected to prolonged periods of time at the trot, canter and gallop. In domestication, involuntary periods of time without forage can be physically painful and mentally stressful. Mental and physical experiences are synonymous in that each has an influence on the other. ​Prevention of physical discomfort can help you and your beloved companion enjoy your rides and outings equally.      

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