Our Products

Next generation diagnostic solutions
Digital Radiography Solutions

We offer wide array of diagnostic imaging solutions tailored to add value to your practice.

Thermal Cameras

Thermal imaging, is a non-invasive method of measuring heat emissions from the body, discovery of abnormal thermal patterns, the identification of potential error sources and the assessment of training performance.

Portable Ultrasound Machines

Our advance ultrasound systems provide outstanding clarity, resulting in an ultra compact machine that enables the user to provide better patient care. Take your practice to the next level by with the latest and industry leading ultrasound systems.

Laser and Shockwave
Rehabilitation Tools

Our rehabilitation tools can accelerate healing and improve the repair, regeneration and remodeling of tissue in horses and other animals. Shockwave is very beneficial for treating musculoskeletal problems, soft-tissue and bone injuries in horses.

Ultrasound Course
Applications of Ultrasound in Equine Practice

This coourse covers from basics of using ultrasound machine and probes to scanning tendons, ligements, organs. Case studies of clinical cases have been added to help you advance your sonographic skills.

Thermography Course
Applications of Thermography in Veterinary Practice

The course is designed to give you an in depth knowledge of how to use thermal cameras in your practice. It includes case studies and hands on practice as well.

Why You Should See a Veterinary Dermatology Expert if Your Dog Sheds Often

Does your dog shed often? While this may be normal, it could also be a sign of a skin issue or related health problem.
That’s why you should get in touch with a veterinary dermatology expert in your area to confirm that your little buddy is in good shape. 

Your veterinarian will take a closer look, letting you know if your dog’s shedding is natural or if it’s linked to a health issue that needs to be addressed.

Again, frequent shedding is common in many dogs. However, there are times when too much shedding indicates that your dog may be suffering from poor nutrition. Even if you make an effort to provide them with all the food and nutrients they need, some dogs need additional supplements to correct imbalances and make up for a deficiency in certain key nutrients. If this is the problem, your veterinarian will recommend supplements you can buy to optimize your dog’s diet.

Excessive shedding can also be linked to other health problems, like sunburn, a bad reaction to medication, infection, or contact with an irritant. That’s why you should head to a pet hospital to learn more; you need help from people with years of training and experience to determine the cause and proper treatment.

To know whether or not your dog’s shedding is worse than normal, keep an eye out for bald spots that weren’t there before. You should also pay attention to how thick its coat is. If it seems thinner than usual, get in touch with a veterinary dermatology specialist to see if any treatment is necessary. Both you and your dog will be glad you did.

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